Author: Xinsong Du
Commonly used packages have already been installed in UFRC, see However, python need to be loaded before using:
ml python
(or whatever you want but the extension should be .sh
) including the following content. You can use a tool like vi for file creation.#!/bin/bash
#SBATCH --job-name=nf_samples # You can change nf_samples to whatever name you want
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL # Use ALL or NONE
#SBATCH # Change this to your own email address
#SBATCH --ntasks=20 # Number of CPUs you allocate to your task
#SBATCH --mem=200gb # Number of memory you allocate to your task
#SBATCH --account=djlemas # UFRC account name
#SBATCH --qos=djlemas-b # Which quota of the account you want to use
#SBATCH --time=20:00:00 # Maximum running time of the task
#SBATCH --output=nf_samples%j.log # Log file of the task, you can change nf_samples to whatever name you want
pwd; hostname; date
# load modules (use ml command to load modules you need)
# code (shell code you want to execute)
with your own sbatch file name if the name is incorrect)$ sbatch
ml singularity
and use singularity run as your code.